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EPA EJScreen

EJScreen is EPA’s publicly available environmental justice screening and mapping tool. EPA has updated and added new capabilities to EJScreen. EJScreen 2.1 includes the addition of new territories, supplemental indexes, threshold maps, and updated demographic and environmental data. The new indexes highlight vulnerable populations that may be disproportionately impacted by pollution. Threshold maps allow EJScreen users to look across all indexes at once. To launch EJScreen, click here.

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EPA Climate Adaptation Plans

EPA’s major offices, including the National Program and Regional Offices and the Office of Policy, have each developed a Climate Adaption Implementation Plan. The 20 Implementation Plans provide a roadmap for the specific actions EPA will take over the next four years with other federal agencies and its partners across the nation to continue to protect human health and the environment under future climate conditions, with a particular focus on advancing environmental justice. To view the Climate Adaptation Plans, click here.

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